February 2
February 2, 2006Today is now the first day with no panics. We are settling in with our venue and have some control over what is happening. The issues of the cable routing have already been contained. The problems of the hotel are long gone with good food and a great room. Dealing with individual problems seems to be very minor due to the requests that we are making are fulfilled with quick attention due to the demands that we are not making. It is always better to be nice and ask nicely then it is to demand. We are getting our way.
Alister Scott is the Broadcast Venue Manager for Pragaloto Plan. He is from Scotland and is a very cheery sort. He understands our dilemma and is quick to help. He is frustrated by the Organizing Committee and the lack of attention he gets. He has requested our compound to have snow removed and still does not get action. He finally showed up with his own shovel and started cleaning out the area. He has not lost his sense of humor (yet) and is great to reacting to our issues. Matts Berggren is a Swede that is the Venue Technical Manager (the exact same position I had in Salt Lake). Matts has been here for about 2 ½ weeks and has lost his sense of humor (yea, that is about how long it took me too). With the pressures of trying to cable the park, move mobile units into his compound, and answer stupid questions from people like me, he has been on a dead run. I feel bad for him but I still have to ask those stupid questions. We get along well, and I hope that we will be okay throughout this venue.
We are quietly getting ahead and listening to the problems of the other sites on our nightly conference call, we are the fortunate ones. I only can hope this will last.
In the Italian Alps.
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