Sunday, June 04, 2006

Day 21 - Outside the Caldera

Thursday June 1, 2006
Today is a stressful day. If I've done my job right and prepared for every possible, conceivable, inconceivable problem that might arise, I will still be running around fixing problems and changing things that were once decided upon, but changed in the grand scheme of things. It's no one's fault. No one can be blamed. It is the nature of the business. It is to be expected. You just have to accept it. It still stinks, though.
Things go well (relatively). We continue on searching around. Today, we've moved outside the caldera, to another active volcano: Columbo. There were quite a few number of vents that were spewing hot shimmering water out of them. Core sample, rock, rock, rock, core sample, suction hose, etc. Unfortunately, we're more on the search, instead of looking at what has already been found. At Lost City, we were looking at specific sites and doing testing on specific pieces of it. Here, we're looking at sand, sand, more sand, and everyonce in awhile we run into something cool. But, more times than not it's sand, sand, and more sand.


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