Saturday, October 09, 2010

WEG Day #54

Next to the last day of competition. We have had our excitement today as the director decided to change camera names yesterday and forgot to tell anyone so there was confusion as cameras came alive. Long story but we finally figured it out. Then we had a small POV (point of view) camera not work after working and being checked several times. 3 hours later, we fixed the problem.

Today is Driving Marathon. Carriages and horses going like crazy thru mazes. Unfortunately, when I took pictures, I didn't have the settings correct. No pictures. They were fascinating to watch and it went well.

Things are winding down here and tomorrow will be the last day and with closing ceremonies. I will try to get both Brian and Rosemary to write something of their final thoughts and I will give you mine. I know this has probably been a little boring this time but I am glad that we did write our thoughts and let you all know that we are alive and well but just tired.

We have jumping finals tonight and that will be it for Jumping. Not sorry to see that go as it was always a late night activity.

From the Horse Park


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