Monday, May 22, 2006

Day 9 - The Black Sea Expedition

Saturday May 20, 2006

Another day of side scanning. Lot’s of new bumps and ridges have formed some as big as 120 meters by 30 meters, some as small as 10 meters by 2 meters. That last one is probably another refrigerator (Now before you start sending me e-mails about “Where can I buy a 30 foot by 6 foot refrigerator”, let me remind you that side scanning isn’t perfect, and I bet you could find a refrigerator that size at BJ’s or Cosco).

Dr. Bob Ballard is one heck of a guy. His main goal during his expeditions are obviously to explore the sea, find species of marine life never found before, and discover wrecked ships (You, know, like the Titanic). But the other side that most people don’t think about is the technology to bring all these things to people, more specifically children. When Ballard started working with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute any video he recorded wouldn’t get distributed until months later, and then only to few theaters and universities around the nation.

Today, technology has given us the opportunity to stream live at
Daily, Ballard films a short video of what we’re doing today and in less than an hour it’s delivered to the web, where thousands of Boy and Girl Scouts, Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, and other children’s learning groups across America are discovering the wonder of what’s under the sea. Ballard’s big quote is (and I’m paraphrasing here), “While we look outside of our world, let’s understand our planet first. All of the lands have been conquered, let’s conquer our oceans.”


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