Thursday, February 23, 2006

As Rosemary has written she is off to Venice and we have a dark day and Brian is again skiing in the Alps, I guess I am left to report on the day.

We have three more days of the Olympics and two more competitions days. These last two will be the "marathon" type of competitions where the women ski for 30km and the men will ski for 50km. It is a mass start and they will race for over two hours. It should be interesting for the length of time they will ski. But they always save this for the last events of the Olympics because it is such a tiring race.

Last night, ski jumping venue closed so there was a party at the hotel to celebrate the closing of the event. Our crew took the opportunity to give Willetta, our Broadcast manager, and myself a bottle of wine and a signed picture thanking us for our help in making their jobs easier. It was one of those traditional suppers where it started at 9:30p and went past midnight. I got tired of waiting for food to show up so I left early and went back to our chalet. They partied on.

With this Olympics winding down, I will start to give my final impressions on Sunday. I am sure Brian will share his final impressions of his first Olympics and what he liked and didn't like.

I would have included more pictures but I think you have seen enough of our Alps.



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