Day 8, Recapping Day 7
Day 7: I couldn't tell you where we are, other than the 6th circle of HellLet's see, it's Day 1 of production. We have 7 days of shows, 6 shows a day, half hour shows and did I mention that Argus is on deck, the satellite isn't working apropriately and there are people turning green left and right. What a way to start a day!
I started my morning by climbing on top of the satellite van, where the satellite dish is setup, and drilling holes into the dish to tie-wrap heavy weights onto the satellite to stabilize it. Let me tell you, I didn't really wish to start my day like this. I prefer my newspaper and a cup of coffee, but OH NO! I can't have that! I need to be climbing onto a steel container with 50 lbs of lead, a screw gun tied to my belt (so I don't drop it or it might turn into an anchor) and the satellite guy trying not to chum the waters around us.
What was happening was the gyros inside the mount of the dish was overracting to movement being caused by the heavy winds. Typically satellite dishes are set on a stabile ground that doesn't require any movement. But, we're on a ship that keeps rolling and turning. This dish is smart enough to keep tracking the satellite above us. When it moves off the satellite it readjusts to where it thinks the satellite in the sky is. Well the wind is so strong out here it blows the satellite dish off course and the dish reacts and moves toward where it thinks the satellite is, but the wind pushes it past that, and it just sits racking back and forth ramming into the stops of the gyros causing a horrible noise and ruining the motors. Oops. That's bad. The theory is, make the dish heavier, and hopefully it'll stop being controlled by the wind.
And the answer is: We made it worse! The only way we were able to stop it, was by turning the ship into the wind, so the bridge was blocking the wind hitting the dish. Now we'll just say the holes are for increasing the aerodynamic properties of the dish. Yeah, that's it. Uh.....
We got through our first day of shows with no major issues. Let's hope tomorrow is a good day, too.
One day down, 6 to go.
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