Wednesday, March 01, 2006

3/1: Photos Rome Day 2 #1 Pompeii

Wasn't Rome Day 1 exhausting?!!....and I didn't even include other things we did and saw. It was an incredible way to start off the trip. So, on day 2, I took an optional tour to Pompeii. Here we go.

For those of you who don't remember (I didn't) Pompeii was a town that was covered in ash from a volcanic eruption. It was later dug out. I don't know which order photos will show up in the actual blog - 1 is of a theatre (you can see bleacher type seats). 1 shows 1 of the many streets. 1 is a painting on a wall of one of the homes (like our wallpaper). 1 you can tell is the outside wall of a place - the paint is red with white lettering on was advertising something like a maid service by day -- at night, the maids offered other service - it was the "red light district"! In another photo you can a man (our guide for Pompeii) by 2 glass cases - they hold 2 bodies they uncovered. Those glass cases are inside a lobby type room of the Bath House. When we left the guide said we would see lots of pornographic photos on postcards that the vendors would be selling - apparently there was lots of those photos in the homes and businesses but any remaining were removed.


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