Saturday, January 27, 2007

Super Bowl, Day 4

It's still a zoo. Cables are flying everywhere. People are changing their minds, and cables are being pulled back. My father is pulling his hair out with some of the people he's working with. Situation: Normal.

I've been running cables for transmission, as my father mentioned, and showed a wonderful picture yesterday.

Dad and I finally got the proper credentials today. Mistakenly, we had received credentials that wouldn't allow us into the stadium. That's bad, considering Dad needs to get to the Pre-Game set, and I need to get everywhere a camera or television might be placed. I'd send a picture of my corrected credential, but I'm pretty sure someone would copy it and try and get in as another Brian Raynes. I'm pretty sure the security guys wouldn't like that.

Getting back to the first day I arrived to my room in our hotel, I noticed something unusual. Now I'd like to preface this by saying that I've been put in a very nice room, that's very clean. I was VERY surprised to see that it appeared someone had used my comode, before I got a chance. It seems, after reading the little card on the toilet tank, that the discoloration is natural, because of the local water system. Let me tell you, it's kind of unusual to think that I'll be brushing my teeth and showering in yellow water. I've included a picture of my bath tub half filled. Don't worry, the water tastes fine, it hasn't stained my teeth or skin, yet.

The first day of working, as my father pointed out, was parking the trucks. Here's a picture from the a spot in the compound with just a few trucks in there.

Here's a picture, from the same spot, with 7 trucks parked. One more was soon parked, a few minutes later, in the open area. Oh by the way, we're waiting for one more truck to show up.


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