Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Super Bowl Day 7

We are now 5 days and a few hours away from the game. Another busy day with the graphics people asking for the "oh, by the way" things they forgot to ask about earlier. This is typical of all large shows where the operators just forget or take for granted that a room is designed for their needs. They know what they need but sometimes forget to ask. Both Brian and I will be fighting this right up until the drop of the ball (is there a puck involved, I am not good at sports). So, right now, I am just firefighting any little problems that occur. I am done 1/2 day early and now the "boring" kicks in. The operators will start loading their machines but they will start rehearsing as well. Brian, on the other hand, is still dealing with transmission issues and last I saw my son, he was saying very ugly words about CBS News people. Would make his mother wash his mouth out with soap.

CBS truck compound. You cannot see all of the trucks.

CBS Production Compound

NFL Experience (Brian will explain this)

Brian in the compound saying, "good by for now"

david and brian


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