Thursday, February 01, 2007

Super Bowl, Day 8

Thank you, Father, for giving me the task of explaining the NFL Experience. Basically it's a way for people to experience what it's like to be part of the NFL. So, they had professional cheerleaders teaching kids how hard it is to train for and the dance routines. They have the kids learn how to tackle, etc, etc. And I'm sure it costs a LOT of money, too!

Yesterday was an interesting day. The first thing that was really interesting, is the local police have a tactical response, God for bid, there was a terrorist incident during the Super Bowl. They said don't take pictures, but everyone did. I'd LOVE to post pictures of what they are going to do, but I can't, because I don't want to get blown up and/or lose my job. So, I'll post them later, and explain what happened later, during my wrap up.

The other fun part of yesterday was the first transmission test. This is where we test the lines of communication and video/audio paths out of the stadium to CBS control room in New York. We have five paths: Two fiber lines and three uplinks (satellite trucks). During the last Super Bowl, it took 8 HOURS to do the first transmission test. We got more accomplished in an hour and a half. This is the reason I'm here, to test and make sure that we're not wasting any body's time. This made me feel really good.

The pictures I've included today is of the panel that all the video in and out of the truck I'm working in, which is the hub of the production. Everything comes into and out of here. By the way, compared to the US Open Tennis, of which I've done the last three years: This is a small show.

By the way, we're more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
My e-mail (Brian) is and my father's e-mail (Dave) is

brian and dave


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