Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WEG Day #15

Things have been getting more hectic since the weekend. Sunday I really tried to get out of here by noon and ended up staying until 3:00p. Not bad over last weekend. Yesterday was a very bad day as we found out that none of the camera platforms for Cross Country Eventing had been ordered. These camera platforms are essential to see the jumps and get over the heads of spectators. And they have been discussed for at least two years. And everyone was aware that they are needed but no one ordered the materials and construction of the platforms.


Then, in a meeting it was discovered that our golf cart order was reduced and they forgot to tell us. We had ordered 10 John Deere Gators, 4 4-wheel drive carts, and 33 regular golf carts. We even had to justify in writing why we needed so many. And they are planning on giving us 14 golf carts. We pointed out that we have 160 people in the compound. We have two venues 1/2 mile away. They are not walking. So they are re-assessing, and have agreed to allow us to use vans to move people, giving us a four wheel drive truck to move equipment, and probably giving us 8 Gators, 4 four wheel drive carts, and 20 golf carts. We have now changed Rosemary's title from Golf Cart Wrangler to Transportation Captain.


I was hoping today to introduce you to Harley. Harley is a horse. Harley is a hungry horse that loves carrots and really loves me. We are in a horse park and I haven't shown any horses yet so everyone, this is Harley.

Of course, the last time I visited Harley, the SOB bit me because I wasn't fast enough with the carrots.

Story of my life.

From the Horse Park



At 1:21 PM, Blogger Diane said...

Hoo boy, I wouldn't have wanted to be the person who didn't order the camera platform materials. Or who cut down the golf cart fleet. Is there enough time for the platforms to be built?

Harley is beautiful. Doesn't he make you want to have another one??

At 8:25 AM, Blogger DaveandBrian said...




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